Salvation Testimonies


Write and/or record your testimony in 3-5 paragraphs or 3-5 minutes.

You can post these below or submit them via your preferred WTW contact.

These will be posted here on the WTW blog to profit the hearts of the Godly and as a light to the lost.

You are always welcome to submit more than one testimony now and at any time. Please submit your initial salvation testimony by Sunday 2/28/2021.


Link to December 20, 2020 post

Do you want a testimony

42 thoughts on “Salvation Testimonies

  1. DG

    Back in 1987 I was born again. Prior to that, I was heavily involved in the Martial Arts, and some Occultic practices. I definitely put myself in a lot of dangerous situations, and it’s an amazing story of grace and mercy. My involvement in the things I was doing was trying to find significance in life, only to leave me feeling worse.

    I saw an episode of The 700 Club featuring a story of a blind and mentally challenged man named Leslie who could play the piano, and sing. I can’t explain what it was, but It broke “Mr. tough guy” down. Shortly after, I was at a party, and after many drinks, I began to lose control, and became distraught {putting it mildly!}, and I believe Jesus came to me, and the next thing was waking up changed…..not the typical story you hear, but God began His continuing work in me….only a God who created the universe could do that….[it’s a major project!!!….]

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  2. JE

    I grew up in a Christian home, raised by parents who were saved during the “Jesus Movement” of the early 70s. They both spent time as missionaries in Haiti. I was taught the Bible from my childhood by my father who knows the Bible perhaps as well as anyone I’ve ever met. Throughout my childhood, if my family wasn’t attending a local church, we held Bible studies around the dining room table. This was the foundation that was laid in my life from early on.

    Though I possessed a knowledge of the Truth and even a confession of Christ as my Savior, I found it a chore to spend time with the Lord. I rarely read my Bible and never spent time in prayer. This lack of relationship with God began to manifest as I entered my youth. The draw of the world was stronger than any profession I’d made to follow Jesus. I felt little conviction as I began sliding into all the world had to offer, so long as I felt that I could justify it somehow while maintaining a label as a “Christian”. This loss of innocence from adolescence into my young adulthood was driven primarily by a desire to be accepted and thought of as something or someone by others. I was insecure and self-conscious about what others thought of me. I started working out more for how it would make me look than for any health benefits. I only listened to music I thought others would like. I only pursued relationships with girls I thought my friends would think were attractive. I sought my identity in the vain things of the world by which I wished others to think of and remember me by. By the time I was in college I had become your quintessential hypocrite — partying, drinking, and girls Friday and Saturday night and church on Sunday morning — without recognizing it, much less acknowledging it.

    Toward the end of college, I had begun to grow tired of the empty things with which I had tried to fill my life. In particular, I realized that one day I’d give up drinking as I knew I didn’t want to raise a family with that element in my household. I didn’t realize it at the time, but God was drawing my heart.

    The summer after I graduated college, I found myself in a relationship with a young lady who did not acknowledge Jesus as Lord. Until this time, I had avoided any serious dating commitment. These shallow relationships, too, were growing old and I used my relationship with this last young lady as an excuse to end any other dating relationship I was in at the time. Though, not a Christian — not even a hypocritical one — she was respectful of my “faith”, and even came to church with me. Being in an exclusive relationship with someone who did not consider themself a Christian bothered me for some reason — I guess, outwardly, I perceived it didn’t look good to my church group of folks. So, I prayed, “God, how do I show her You?” I actually opened my heart to the Lord… and He spoke to me!

    He said in a near-audible voice, “Break up with her. I have other plans for you.” I tried to put it off at first, but I knew I needed to obey. After taking this step of faith in obedience, God flooded my life. He filled me with a desire for Him and an insatiable hunger for His Word. I began reading the Bible for the sheer joy of it for the first time in my life. He began to show me all the ways in which I had made my identity about things other than who and what He made me to be. I gave up drinking. I gave up secular music. I even gave up dating. He purged me of all these things in my life that kept me from knowing Him. He forgave me. He cleansed me. He saved me. It was the beginning of my life.

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  3. I was born to parents that served the Lord fervently. Growing up on the mission field, we regularly attended and participated in church services, tent meetings, home meetings, various gatherings. We had daily devotions as a family around the kitchen table, typically right after breakfast. I “accepted Jesus”, as the saying goes, when I was 9 or 10 years old and was baptized soon after. Strange thing is, I don’t remember much about it, not even a particular moment or period of time when I felt God close. Looking back years later, I realize that I was mostly going through the motions, doing what I saw everyone around me doing. We were a musical family, all learning to play an instrument and regularly singing together as a family, typically at church services or revival meetings. I even helped lead worship for several years at a start-up church my parents launched.

    But I was not in a relationship with the Lord, I was not walking with Him. I remember seeing my younger brother daily reading his Bible, engaged in prayer, soaking up the truth and seeking to live it out. But I was bent on doing things I wanted to do, mostly being free from a strict household of rules. I became a liar, often lying to cover up lies. But Dad could see right through it, I’m sure because of the help of the Holy Spirit. Time and again I was caught in a lie, lied to try and cover up the first lie, on and on. I started listening to music I knew my parents would not approve of. I was also introduced to pornography when I was 14. That was in play for 2-3 years and became a battleground for my mind for years. I could see that battle raging between the pull do to wrong and the knowledge that I shouldn’t. But I was not strong enough to resist.

    One day, out of the blue from my perspective, I remember Dad calling to me while upstairs in my bedroom. He asked if I was interested in moving to the States to live with my cousins. I didn’t hesitate – the thought of getting to live in the States with all of its amenities and out from under the watchful eye of my parents.

    My cousins’ household was much more relaxed, much more tolerant of rebellion, at times a near blindness to the sin going on. I jumped right into most of it: drinking, parties, unhealthy music, dirty movies. We would pray at meals, attend church 1-2 times each week. But it was just a put-on for me and my cousins.

    I started attending FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) meetings, as I’d gotten involved in basketball, track and football. There I started making some of my own friends, and 1 in particular really stood out. He was 1-2 years ahead of me in school and had already graduated, but was still plugged into a lot of functions where high schoolers attended. I remember going to prayer meetings at his house. At first I just went to be around these new friends. But soon it started having an impact. I remember looking at this guy’s life – here he was, old enough to be on his own and out from under the thumb of his parents, and yet he was serving God willingly.

    I felt a pull back to God. I realized I’d left him out. But He had not forgotten me. This friend and I started spending more time together, and I continued to be drawn back to what I knew, the truth I’d grown up hearing and believing. I remember 1 night spending what must have been a couple of hours with this friend in his car, talking and praying together. I was in tears, tears of repentance and tears of joy. The prodigal had returned to his Father, and his Father had welcomed him. The remaining months at my cousins’ house became more challenging as I started resisting the temptation of sin, but my life was changed forever; I would never return to living in darkness.

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  4. RE

    I was raised in a Jewish home. We kept kosher, I went to Hebrew school, and when I was 13, I had my Bat Mitzvah. I believed in God. However, when I was in high school, I began to do drugs, drink too much, and do things I knew would break my parents’ heart. I had absolutely no regard for God. One of my best friends came to know Jesus as her Lord and Savior. She shared the Gospel with me day after day. I always rejected it saying I was Jewish and I was fine. She introduced me to other Christians who shared Jesus with me. Again, I told them I was Jewish, so I was fine. After all, we were the chosen people. One evening, after once again hearing the salvation message, I went home and got my Bible out, the one I received when I had my Bat Mitzvah (Old Testament only). I held my Bible up and asked God, “If Jesus is the Son of God, show me in this Bible.” I told God, “This is an Old Testament. I know Jesus is not in here, so good luck showing me.” I began to read Genesis and I got to the verse, “Let us make man in our image.” I began to weep. Oh my goodness, God was talking with Jesus. I bowed my head and prayed for forgiveness. I knew at that very moment, I was saved. That was December 4th, 1971. I have walked with my precious Lord and Savior ever since.

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  5. PO

    I was raised in a Christian home like the prodigal son that I was. I chose my own way until I nearly died in a car accident. But still, after getting out of the hospital, where I was for about two months because of my injuries, I thought I had figured everything out. But I just ended up back where I was before the car accident.

    Backing up a little bit on the story: while I was in the hospital, which was a Catholic Hospital, the priest used to come around pretty much every day and talk to me. He was the first one I believe that ever suggested that I had a problem with alcohol, and he kept wanting me to go through this treatment program. I said, “No, I think I got this under control now.” And as I said earlier, I didn’t.

    So one morning, I gave that priest a call. He came and picked me up, and I checked into a drug and alcohol treatment center, which was the same hospital that I was in for my car accident. After getting out the treatment center, I started attending church with my parents. In the summer of that year, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

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  6. EQ asked an excellent question:

    “I’m not sure how to go about writing my testimony. Is there any advice you can give me?”

    Here are a few questions and a short outline that may help.

    Salvation Testimony
    WTW Questions & Outline

    1. What was your life like before you first really understood what JESUS did by dying for us?

    2. What did JESUS do for you?

    3. What is JESUS doing in and through your daily life now?


  7. VP

    From childhood, I was taught the Holy Scriptures which made me wise unto salvation. I received and believed the word that said I must be saved through Jesus, God’s Son, who died on the cross for my sin. I prayed the sinner’s prayer many times. I truly believed Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurrection were the only way to the Father, to be saved from my sin. I was not a seeker. I did not read my Bible and pray every day.

    I got married to my husband at age 18. Ten (10) months later we had a son. A few weeks later, I began to question my salvation. That was the beginning of a long, dark time for me. Postpartum depression had set in and lingered for several years. I had a second child 3 years later. The depression had lessened but the doubts and fears continued. I will insert here that we were faithful to church: Sunday morning, Sunday evening, Wednesday nights.

    My husband and I went to a conference lead by Bill Gothard, a man who taught biblical principles, encouraging the group to make a vow to read your Bible 5 minutes a day. I made the vow. That was my beginning to really seek the Lord on my own. Not just attend church services.

    When I was discussing with my future husband regarding whose church should we attend together, I wanted my church. He wanted his church. I knew, growing up, my dad had not been a believer. My mom took us to church faithfully, and I desired to have a husband to go to church with and take our children. I continued with depression and confusion in my mind, but the word had begun to take root in me. God saw my determination to faithfully read His word daily for 5 minutes and never miss a day.

    My husband and I, one day, were at the Christian bookstore. I saw a book entitled Full Assurance by H. A. Ironside. I wanted that book; however, I did not want my husband to know. He had tried to encourage me through the depression years and would have just said I don’t need the book; that I’m already saved–just believe it. The next day, I believe it was, I went and purchased the book.

    One morning, I started reading the book, December 20th, 1972. The author spoke of believing God for your salvation and not waiting for a sign or a feeling to really know you are saved. I laid down the book and prayed a short, sinner’s prayer once again, but this time added: “God, I will believe.”

    My six-year-old son came into my room and asked, “Why are you crying?” I replied, “I’m saved.” I was suddenly filled with the most joy and excitement that I was truly saved. I called my mom on the phone to tell her. I also called another friend to confess my faith in Christ. That day my heart was changed. God had done a work within me. I was born again.

    An added note. I so wanted a little girl. Exactly 9 months later from the date of my salvation my daughter was born. September 20th 1973!

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      1. Anyone inclined to listen to this 17th century public domain classic by means of any podcast version or a librivox recording or read the free internet archive online text or listen to this youtube version of this largely unknown classic will benefit from understanding the freedom which God’s true work of grace brings to any who experience any such burden of soul.


  8. EQ

    My flesh was fighting for the world, but my heart longing for Jesus. I was so cemented in my own life. Trapped by all my daily sins. Walking in the crowd with so much noise, but it could not hear my voice. I knew of Jesus my whole life, but I never truly followed him. I was in fact lukewarm. Trapped by daily sin, mainly lust. God constantly tapping at my door. Only for it to be open and shut. Guilt and worry filled my thoughts after every search on the net.
    After some time, I felt alone. The crowds in the street began to disapear, and only I remained alone in my sin. I had watched this video about hell, and I thought to myself how terrifying it could be to end up there. I knew I wasn’t right with God. I had this urgency to go pick up my bible. After a while, maybe days. Jesus moved in my life in way I’m not sure how to explain. I’ve noticed since I’ve turned from my sin. It’s easier to listen to my parents, I don’t feel alone anymore, and above all else I’m happy.
    I find myself reading the bible more each day. Growing less concered of what’s going on in the secular world. More and more things I’ve asked Jesus to reveal to me is being shown to me. I’m gaining more understanding through him. I’m learning to love like I never had before.
    I’m so thankful for Jesus because without him. I would have never been able to become who I am today without him.

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  9. DM

    It was the fall of 1985. I was a senior in high school. I had been dating my girlfriend for 6 months now. We had started out good, but somewhere during this time we started to run away from God.

    My girlfriend lived about 30 minutes from my home town. I was at her house that night, and she had just broken up with me. I was devastated and hurting deeply. I tried to climb the water tower across the street from her house in an attempt to jump off. I needed someone to talk to. I needed Someone who would help me with all this pain. She finally persuaded me to come down without jumping.

    On my drive home, I was sobbing deeply and very hurt inside. Loneliness surrounded me like a blanket. I didn’t want to live. I was in between thoughts as I was approaching a cement bridge where trains passed over the road. A thought came. I am going to line up this car and hit that cement pier and end it all. As I lined up the car and drove about 75 mph toward the cement pier, I remembered Jesus. I cried out, “Jesus, if you can help me with this pain, then I will give my life to you.” I swerved to miss the pier, and I felt a new found hope and peace inside.

    I had regiven my life over to Jesus, from when I had known him as a youth. Right there in that car that night, I gave my life over to Jesus. Everything within my life didn’t get better and all fixed. What I received was a new hope, and a new outlook on life. I could face my hurt and pain knowing I was not alone. Jesus would walk with me through my pain and help me to make sense of my hurting. Eventually, he showed me how I had hurt so many others. My sin had caused this pain and brought this loss.

    That was 36 years ago, and I have never stopped walking with Jesus from that day. Life has not been without pain and hurt during this time, but I have a friend who is closer than a brother. He has been right there beside me.

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  10. EM

    When I first accepted Christ, I was 8 years old and attended a church called Mt. Carmel Baptist church in Northern KY. I had a milk understanding of the Lord. I recognized that He was good and perfect and that He was very real and present in my life.

    It was not until I turned 21 years old that I started receiving meat. My father passed away from a heart attack after struggling with health issues his entire life. I was cast into a situation that was very difficult to discern and was unsure how to respond. During my time dealing with the issue, one thing was made very clear. God was present, very intimately.

    I had hit a road block. I was weary and unsure of when the light at the end of the tunnel was coming. I started spending a considerable amount of time alone discussing with the Lord all things surrounding my father’s passing. I became very self aware of my flaws and inabilities as a young man. I questioned God what I would do if I had questions about marriage (which was coming quickly) or about jobs, or fixing things, etc. I asked Him how I could deal with the pain of loss.

    He answered all my questions very plainly and simply so that I had nothing to assume. He had placed a good father in my life so that I could cross examine myself. He had walked with my father long before I was around. He assured me that my father had been gathered up and was doing quite well. He explained to me that I was receiving the torch and had to bear it. I was to continue on in his remembrance but not in his shadow. I had been given much so much was expected.

    Once the Lord explained this to me I was able to release all of my prior baggage of uncertainty and walk boldly, knowing that an absent father carries on and we have a Father that continues on with us. He sends us instruction and a great helper. Sometimes your mouth becomes sore when you haven’t had to chew. But once you do you’ll find the steak to be a much finer meal.

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  11. My Testimony

    I saw satan fall like lightning
    I saw darkness run for cover
    But the miracle
    That I just can’t get over
    My name is registered in heaven

    I believe in signs and wonders
    I have resurrection power
    Still the miracle
    That I just can’t get over
    My name is registered in heaven
    My praise belongs to you forever

    Come together
    Sons and daughters
    Bought with blood
    And washed in water
    Sing the praises of the Spirit,
    Son and Father
    Our God will finish
    What He started
    Our God will finish what He started

    This is my testimony
    From death to life
    Cause grace rewrote my story,
    I’ll testify
    By Jesus Christ the righteous
    I’m justified, this is my testimony
    This is my testimony

    If I am not dead,
    You’re not done
    Greater things are still to come
    Oh I believe, If I am not dead,
    You’re not done
    Greater things are still to come
    Oh I believe

    My Testimony (Lyrics) – by Elevation Worship


  12. UA


    It was 1948. It was at the little rural Dunkard Brethren Church at Teakean.

    There was no resident pastor. There was weekly Sunday School led by local ladies.

    A pastor from Juliaetta or Orofino 25 miles away came twice a month to lead a church service and deliver a sermon.

    Once a year a Sunday School Union director came from Lewiston 50 miles away to lead a week of VBS for the farm children.

    In November, 1948 someone scheduled a week-long revival meeting conducted by lady evangelist Mabel Voggie. Our family gave her room and board for the week.

    I went to the altar when she invited people at the end of a meeting. I was age 9. Then and there anointed joy flooded me and I knew the Lord did it.

    The next summer a pastor took several of us to the North Fork of the Clearwater river to be baptized. And that was 20 miles away.

    Dad helped me and the others into and out of the river. My wet feet slipped on a rock on the way out and I fell. Dad was sorry he let go of my hand too soon but helped me back up!

    Today, Dworshak hydroelectric reservoir covers that baptismal spot under 700 feet of water.

    It was 5 years later then 9 years later that I learned of and was baptized by the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues.

    That is the very same anointed joy that I have today by the very same Jesus who sends the very same Holy Spirit, 72 years later.


    P.S. SG tells me he also believed and was saved that week. It may have been a different night.

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  13. BT

    My mom states that my brother and I prayed with her to receive Christ when I was 4. At 12 I was baptized, though at the time, I was unsure about my salvation. I remember several times thinking that I was left behind in the rapture. At summer church camp, one year, they talked about entire sanctification: asking God to completely set you apart for His purpose which is what I did. I had assurance of my salvation after that, a passion for Jesus, a love for His Word…

    A high school friend introduced me to a man in town who had started a church in Las Vegas and was now starting a home church in my hometown. It was there that I was baptized in the Holy Ghost. I was so on fire I witnessed to a road worker that night about Jesus.

    Through this church I came in contact with a men’s ministry that had a house in Vegas where I ended up. They were located downtown right where the heart of the need was. Homeless, men from jail or prison, interventions, however the Lord got them there they came. The Lord knit my heart to this ministry the day I showed as a long line of guys gave me a hug on my way in. The director chose to live by faith and trust God to keep the house going. It’s a great heritage I have watching God do that over the years.

    Now I have my own family and house. We are still closely connected to that ministry and following Jesus.

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  14. BG

    6 February 2021

    I have been a pastor’s kid my whole life, so going to church and being involved in church was just part of my everyday life. Church became a second home for me, and I always looked forward to church whether that be Sunday mornings or Wednesday night small groups. I knew the well-known Bible stories and what it meant to be a Christian, at least for the most part. I always did my best to live how I thought a Christian should live but until the age of 8 years old, I never really had a deeply personal relationship with Christ. That is the first time that my relationship with Christ felt real and felt like my own. Even though I was young, I wanted structure and a plan for my life. I always wanted to know what was going on and what I should be doing at all times. I desired to have a relationship with Christ not just because it was expected of me because I was a PK and not because it is what my parents believed but because I wanted it for myself. I wanted a deep relationship with the one who created me, and I wanted to know exactly what He had planned for my life.

    My parents have always asked me and my siblings questions about why we believe the things we believe or why we want to be Christians. They always wanted us to believe what we believed because we actually understood it not just because it was what they believed. I appreciate them doing this because it taught me to believe things for myself and to have answers for people when I am questioned about my faith. I think that is what helped me know I was ready to accept Jesus as my Savior when I was 8 years old. Because I was a PK and because I was involved in church, I had heard the Gospel many times and I knew that I had to accept, believe, and repent. I knew that I needed to accept Jesus as my personal Savior and believe that he died on the cross and rose again. I knew that I also needed to repent of my sins because we are all sinners by nature and that we cannot go to heaven if we are sinners. As Christians, we believe that Jesus died for us to repay our sins so that we may live with God in heaven for eternity.

    I remember vividly the night that I took the step of accepting Jesus. I was reading a children’s Christian magazine that we got delivered to our house. I do not remember exactly what I read but I decided at that moment to accept Jesus as my Savior. I asked my parents to join me while I prayed. I remember how excited I was, and my parents were. I am the oldest child in my family, so it was exciting for my parents to see one of their children making that decision for themselves. I had a pretty good grasp on the basics of Christianity, but I have continued to learn more and more every day and have begun to have a deeper knowledge of scripture and my faith in the last couple of years.

    After accepting Christ, I was water baptized which was a big step in me proclaiming that I am a believer. Being a Christian I think I can find joy in things that others may not always find joy in. One thing that has especially affected me is knowing that I have hope when it comes to negative things happening in my life or when I lose a loved one. As Christians, we know there is life after our earthly death whereas nonbelievers do not have this hope. It is hard to imagine not having that hope and it makes me wonder what it would be like to not have a calling or having God lead you and then on top of that thinking that death is just death and there is nothing after it. They have no hope that they will ever see their loved ones again. This has made me more empathetic for people and also has pushed me to want to spread the Gospel even more.

    After starting a personal relationship with Christ, I found more guidance in life, and for someone like me who likes to plan everything this made me feel more secure and confident. Without Christ, I would have had no idea what I wanted to do with my life for a career or anything. I am now pursuing a degree I never thought I would pursue but now cannot imagine myself doing anything else. God has a plan for me, and it is exciting to see it playing out a little more every day.

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  15. AV

    We lived on a 15,000 acre sheep ranch 10 miles north of Alzada, Montana. The roadway was loose gravel.

    Our family attended church services 3 times each summer at Albion, a town 5 miles north of the ranch.

    The winters were so hard, only a few summer time services were held there by a pastor from Ekalaka 80 miles to the north.

    At about age 6 or 8 I was outside the church at the restroom. Coming back down the walk I heard the congregation singing and I felt the presence of the Lord so strong.

    I had no idea what it was then. But I still remember it so clearly.

    Then in 1951 at age 13 friends invited me to a Sunday School attendance contest at the Alzada full gospel church 10 miles south.

    The pastor was a lady and, with her husband, she was the mother of 12 children. She preached the Word. After I got acquainted I began to stay for the main service.

    October 14 was my birthday on a Sunday. The pastor preached that we must be born again and that we need to ask God for forgiveness. In her sermon I learned about how to get saved. And that you need to be sure.

    Before that I felt I was saved because I had prayed.

    But I wanted to be sure so I knelt at the pew and prayed the sinner’s prayer and now I felt for sure I was saved.

    In April 1952 I received the Holy Spirit. That was 69 years ago and I’m still loving Jesus.


  16. MH

    I was saved when I was 8 years old. I just remember that I knew I didn’t want to go to hell. I was under preaching that if I died without Christ I would go to hell. I went to my mother – we were at home – and she led me in a prayer. And after that prayer, I had peace. Since then God been with me, protecting me, walking with me. My sons have come to know the Lord, also my husband. The Lord has blessed me in so many ways. He started a good work in me, and he is faithful to complete it until he calls me home. M H.

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  17. RST

    My kingdom story

    I grew up as a Christian, in a wonderful Christian family, going to church every week and personally seeking God. I had a dramatic personal encounter with Jesus at age thirteen that set my path as a lover of Christ from that time on.

    But for so many years, I felt like I was reading the Bible through a fog.

    The gospel as so many preach it–“acknowledge you’re a sinner, repent, get forgiven, die and go to heaven”–seemed so NARROW, even though it was true, and gave me little help in understanding my purpose in the world today.

    So much about evangelical culture felt trite and closed in, and I didn’t fit.

    I knew there had to be more.

    I vividly remember telling a good friend when I was about twenty-one years old, in total frustration, “I don’t know what the gospel is. I’ve read the Bible over twenty times, but I feel like I don’t even know what it says.”

    Not long after that, God began to answer my prayers for understanding in amazing ways.

    Slowly, the fog began to clear. Preachers and writers I hadn’t heard before, along with the Holy Spirit in my own times of reading the Bible, showed me different, better ways to read–with better exegesis, better hermeneutics, better practice, better understanding.

    (Honestly, a lot of this was not earth-shattering or new. You would probably roll your eyes at me if you knew what I found revolutionary!)

    But little by little, I started to see the MORE.

    That more is the gospel Jesus actually preached: the gospel of the kingdom.

    A kingdom perspective–understanding the reign of the kingdom of heaven now–brings the entire Bible to life in an integrated, history-changing way.

    The kingdom is about holistic discipleship and life-giving spirituality. It’s about the inexhaustible goodness of God and the powerful experience of blessing, offered to us all when Jesus climbed a mountain and said, “Blessed are the spiritually impoverished, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.” It’s about purpose and identity.

    And it’s about changing the world, not escaping it.


  18. Here’s goes a quick version of my testimony:

    I got saved at 7 years old at a Sunday school service that my grandmother brought me to. That day the Sunday school teacher taught about God from the old testament and how He would protect and care for the children of Israel along their journeys and that just struck my heart. I felt that I really needed a God like that in my life and that day I prayed to accept Him into my heart.

    I’m still on my journey of learning about the fatherhood of God better, but it’s awesome journey to be on, praise the Lord!

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  19. TB Salvation Testimony

    Religious Autobiography

    I grew up in a Christian home. My father was a devout Christian and raised me and my two brothers in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord.” At age seven, I lost my mother to cancer and for a short time my father was a solo parent. That same year, I vividly recall accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior. My family did not regularly attend church but my cousins had invited me and my brothers to ride the bus to the local Baptist church on Sundays. The day I got saved I was so excited when I got back from church that day I burst into the house with a loud proclamation, “Dad I accept Jesus into my heart today!” I remember the warm embrace and celebration in his voice as he affirmed my decision. That day started the wonderful journey with Jesus I have been on ever since.

    When I was fourteen God revealed to me that He was calling me into ministry for his Church. At the time I didn’t know what that meant but by the time I was 21 I would be led by God to attend Bible School and immediately afterward I accepted an opportunity to serve in a church in Atlanta. Beginning as an Intern and serving in whatever capacity needed from; Singles Pastor, Worship Leader and, towards the end, Associate Pastor, my passion for reaching the lost and facilitating the spiritual formation of the Church continued to grow.

    For me, unlike my family of origin, I cannot imagine my life without a church family. I have come to believe that the Body of Christ is the hope of the world. That my Christian faith is not just a personal decision but a spiritual responsibility to offer my life to Christ and to the local church for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. My life goal is to be the greatest blessing I can be to the local church and raise my children to know and love the fellowship of the believers in pursuit of His call.


  20. TGB Testimony

    I always want to point out Peter as one that faltered between Faith and doubt. He looked down and began to drown. But then prayed, “Save me.” Plus, he caught off the priest servant’s ear when Jesus was arrested. Also, he said he would go with Jesus and then denied him three times. Nevertheless where does this leave me? I am worse than both Thomas and Peter. My problems can honestly be due to rebellious and defiant behavior.

    I have had a troubled past dating back to my teenage years as early as 14 and spiraling completely out of control at 16. I will tell you more later if you can stand to bear it all. I am a mixture though. I have had years where I stayed sober. A few stretches using church attendance, AA attendance, and some in CR (5 months). Covid-19 shut down the church, but I was heavily involved and had even done a 4th step and was doing 5 in our mens meetings.

    I even attempted to make amends with my brother in where we had words. I take the blame for all of it even though some of it was likely both of us. You can only clean up your side huh? I just made a general admission that the words I said were wrong and that I was in the wrong 💯that he was right about all that he had said to me. Which is fairly accurate. He seemed to take it well at the time and expressed that it is simple and has to do with love.

    To get a clearer picture we had just lost our mother and we were all hurting badly and it brought out the devil unfortunately. Very painful for all of us. My mother was a wonderful lady and we lost her July 4th, 2019.
    She read and prayed with her Bible open before every day and was faithful in church attendance. Beyond that she was just a beautiful Christian lady. My dad was top caliber as well. I don’t know what happened to me sometimes, but I give God credit for all that is good including two wonderful parents. I could not have asked for more or better.

    Life began to get really lonely with the loss of my parents and grandparents on both sides. All wonderful people. I miss them all dearly and I know that if any of them were here now they would do all they could to try and help me out. They always did. It’s just like God, it was who they were. With all of that I have always known God always has and always will love me. I praise God for my family even if some of the others forgot how much favor I had and have in a way kicked me to the curb. I bet I have a part to play in all that too. Writing this makes me think of how much better Heaven will be when we all get there ! Amen ! 🙏😇🎵💯💕

    🎵Now I belong to Jesus 🎵Jesus belongs to me🎵
    🎵Not for the time left here alone🎵But for eternity 🎵

    My favorite and best choice I ever made was as a 19 year old teenager when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. A white missionary to Japan delivered the message, and he let us all have it! A fire and brimstone message that was perfect in getting my full attention. I practically ran to the alter, and I was sobbing and crying a lot as I had a lot of sin to repent of even at 19, drugs, prostitution solicitation, shooting up cars and burglary etc.

    It was at Woodland Hills Baptist Church in Tyler, TX As there are lots of trees in east Texas I recalled that all the trees looked different. They looked all peaceful and very different. Very fitting now as I recall that Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of knowledge of good and evil and how Christ died on a tree to give us life once again. Hands down (Christ sought me out) still yet the far wisest and greatest choice I have or will ever make. Hallelujah! Thanks, brothers for letting me include the Gospel of Peace that can save even a wretch like me! Amen 🙏


    1. TGB Salvation Testimony, continued…

      John 3:16 is the first verse I ever memorized. As a little boy standing up in front of the church age 5 or 6 maybe. Heritage Baptist Church in Edmond, OK. I didn’t get saved until age 19 at Woodland Hills Baptist Church in Tyler, TX.

      I told a girl that was at the apartment where we were staying at that I wanted to go to church but as I was new to Tyler and didn’t know anyone or any church to go to that I wasn’t going to go. I had taken a shower, and when I got out the girl said while you were in the shower somebody knocked on the door and left an invitation to attend Woodland Hills Baptist Church which was just down the street.

      It turned out the pastor’s son was in the neighborhood handing out flyers. I don’t remember her name or the pastor’s son’s name but the pastor’s name was brother Wiley Bennett. I went that very evening. I think it was a Wednesday night.

      I went to church several times, and I think God was working on me the entire time, but it wasn’t until a missionary from Japan came to the church and preached a message that I went forward to receive Christ. I was crying and tears were streaming down my face. I don’t recall the missionaries name but the message seemed to be tailored just for me. I remember after leaving the church all the trees looked different, and I was at total peace. It was the greatest day of my entire life and I have never regretted that decision not once. It was the single best decision I ever made.

      Thank You JESUS! ❤️

      What had brought me to Tyler was to enroll in Tyler Junior College. God had other plans for me. I never finished the college classes I had enrolled in there in Tyler but what transpired there at that Baptist Church that day is where I became a child of the King. I went to church there for the entire time I was in Tyler.

      I remember I really enjoyed the old Gospel Hymns we would always sing. It is there that I learned the one we discussed earlier“ Now I belong to Jesus,“ There were the other great ones like “I got a Mansion Just over the Hill Top,“ I’ll Fly Away,“ “Amazing Grace,“ “The Old Rugged Cross,“ “Power in the Blood,“ “Victory in Jesus,“ “Faith is the Victory,” “He is Able to Deliver Thee“ etc etc.


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